Saturday, April 17, 2010


Weather's been really unpredictable of late, so I did not see the need to wash the car. However, it has got to a point where I just could not bear the thought of a dirty car parked for all to see. So, off I go to clean it up! Here's some pictures that I just saw myself in the mood to take.
First some hi-fi pics. These are all I'm using for the sound as of now. I did mentioned in a previous post that I'm getting a subwoofer in the mix as well. That will be on the left side of the setup. Hopefully, it won't be take up too much space.
Cute huh?
All shiny and cleaned up!
I'm rather liking how it is now, and I don't expect too much aesthetic changes anytime soon. And here's some interior shots. Not much has changed here as well.
Trusty voodoo knob still nice to hold.
Blitz R-VIT still looks interesting.

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